2 Poems
Stella Corso
I follow an idea
into another store
a spirit shop selling water
for catching angels
you only need a spritz
on your bed sheets
or the corner of a room
I take the bottle from the shelf
it is warm from having been
repeatedly touched
I put it back and reach further
for a cold one
I haven’t had a crush in a while
he strokes my head
you must get put to sleep
he said inside the painting
you were talking about things
they couldn’t
she and they were laughing
I will never be the one
bent over in your opera
unzipped in a museum
reaching for your pocket
under sonorous light
a clump as in nature
delicate anger
the necklace of your childhood
that could not be untangled
this is how the sugar comes
one boot without the other
Stella Corso is the author of TANTRUM (Rescue Press, 2017).