3 poems
Colleen Louise Barry
We can impose limits on anything
We will in turn be limited
I would let you know my mind
In a barely perceptible movement
As in a song
You will turn me down
This causes the world to change
Will you remember what I've said
This feels like a way to control that
If in your memory there you are
You can only change there too
We have a responsibility to choose
The thing that will destroy us
The world fans to present itself
With a showbiz wink
There is no way to answer everyone's question
Consciousness is relative
I will remember Massachusetts
A painting isn’t an example of life
Living is an example for dreaming
Sensation sears through the vessel
We live in the valley
I can’t believe time is marked
by people and with words
I go out into your badlands
I lie down amongst the red
I'm not interested in sentiment
I'll love you til I won't
I approach the idea of me with caution
like two stray dogs in the street
When you say something
Someone else said it
When you say something
The whole day starts again
An idea is an experience disfigured by necessity
Some people never have these
You don't want the world to see you
You don't think that they'd understand
I want to put my head on your chest
We used to hug when the room was blue
There are so many of you
I have worked so hard to lose
The air is gentle with bugs
A sunflower gets heavy in heat
Your emotions happen in memory only
Death is an example of nothing new
You drive beautifully
When you love me
I miss the way you know me
When I say goodbye, it's me
I jump to the next square
I hear Elvis
I was going to let myself be proud beside you
I water your philodendron
Here in the desert
I watch your fire alarm in the night
We are looking at ourselves in a really long mirror
We are having an experience about light
Light is not the opposite of dark
It doesn't mean anything
If you don't understand the why you are
Taken by all
You lost
You are living by building
A box within which to long
For what is outside the box
All that has meaning
Is not human but all that makes meaning
Does being
Immune to incentives make you
More or less human
If it is true that sometimes you love
The most what you hate must be that
You hate the most what you love
Come on now
Don't be so serious
Think about how you can
Know something so that it just keeps
Going outward and outward
I’ve come to understand so much
Less than I thought
Thinking not being
Synonymous with belief
I am interested in the world as if I am not
It as my interests create
If I could choose anything
I should choose myself
The sky goes everywhere
Are you a disciple of astrology
How can you tell where I am
I love a figurative concept
Look at how I look at stuff
Wanna sweep you off your feet
This is the part that makes you You
always want to leave
I create distance with my mind
Go ahead walk into the night
Touch my cheek because I cried
Colleen Louise Barry is an artist and writer in Seattle. Her most recent chapbook is Poultry in Motion (Factory Hollow Press). She runs the interdisciplinary project Mount Analogue. @colleenlouisebarry / @themountanalogue