CANXONA - Emma Jane Gomis

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CANXONA - Emma Jane Gomis


Chapbook. Poetry.
5.5” x 8.5”
36 pp.

Canxona stirs in a place of multicultural contemplation and practical magic; it is an excavation in the dance of its form that examines memory, movement and exhumation. Influenced by a lineage that includes Pina Bausch, Ariana Rienes, and CeciliaVicuña, Canxona​ is a radical meditation that thinks like a sonnet; a mimetic performance and conceptual confession about the problem we call innocence—the largeness of that earliest unknown and ascertained feeling of escape and getting out of doors—whose meaning gathers entirely from our musicking in the present. The musicking contained in this work, tuned to a familiar and generative candor with familial objects, creates joy and sadness anew in images indebted to and overanalyzed by thinking in the historical present. In ​Canxona,the present acts on the memory as a wound, soaking through the text a color in which adoration is never far from criticism. The view of any snapshot or idyll is a rally and an investigation; unsustainable, anarchical, feminist; in ​Canxona​, the kernel for political and spiritual shelter grows where there is no shelter, whose placelessness flowers in lapidary geographies of privacy and public physical imaginaries.

-Matthew Moore

read an excerpt here.

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